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76 Hemlock Rd.                                                          
Bridgewater, CT. 06752-1407                                  Home Improvement Contractor # 0538779
860-350-3515                                                              email: [email protected]

All Types of Wood siding

Window and Door Replacement

Exterior Trim Replacement

Wood Rot Repair

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New Construction  

Here are some examples of our exterior  jobs.
References available upon request.
Medium Hand-Split Shakes 
Reroof Southbury, CT. 2003
Residing with Red Cedar Shingles. Reroofing with Architectural Asphalt Shingles. 
Middlebury, CT. 1999, 2002
Reroof Barn with Architectural Asphalt Shingles 2004
Reroof House with Pressure Treated Red Cedar Shingles
Woodbury, CT. 2008
Reroof house with Pressure Treated Red Cedar Shingles
Bethlehem, CT. 2001
Reroof house with Pressure treated Red Cedar Shingles
Woodbury, CT., 2005
Reroof with Architectural Asphalt shingles 
Woodbury, CT. 2005
Reside house with Cedar Shingles. Reroof house with Asphalt shingles. 2001, 2002
Reroof house with Pressure treated medium hand split shingles. Cheshire, CT. 2008
Raise roof up to create a cold roof system to prevent Ice dams. Re-roof with pressure treated red cedar shingles. 
Woodbury, CT. 2009 New Custom size insuladome skylights.
Cold Roofing System with wood shingles
Cold Roof system with Asphalt shingles
Cold Roof cut-away detail
Reroof barn with architectural laminated asphalt shingles.  Renovate barn to create garage with wooden floor.
Middlebury, CT. 2006
Velux skylight Froste blende 3 tab shingles
Wasco 30x30 skylight
Interior view of splayed skylight shaft
Velux 30 x 48 Exterior view
Bethlehem Wood shingle roof 
In order for your roof to achieve it's maximum intended life span it must be properly ventilated and  protected from mold formation.  That is why we attempt not only to make your home weather tight, but also to make sure it has a complete ventilation and mold protection system.
We also always inspect each potential roof job to make sure the structure is capable of supporting the proposed new roofing load.  In most cases the roof will only be capable of carrying one layer of shingles.  In rare cases of a very well built house, it may be able to support the addition of another layer of shingles. We never add additional layers of shingles to a home without calculating whether the roof can hold the additional weight.
Ice Dam Protection

Wood Shingle and hand split shake jobs
Asphalt Roofing Jobs
Wood Siding Jobs
Bow Window with copper roof
Window Replacements
Triple Casement with Trapezoid above
Trapezoidal windows over triple casement units
12 Ft. Marvin Bay window
S.D.L. Glazing
Real Wood Raised Panel Shutters
Arched header trim on beam over breezeway
Door Replacements
Anderson single French door with storm
Therma Tru Fiberglas door
Andersen 6 ft  Slider with casement window flankers
Example of garage door head trim with flashed shelf,  crown mold, beaded casings
Therma-Tru Fiberglas Door with sidelights and entrance trim Southbury, CT.
Marvin Wood Door, Sidelights, Roundtop
Marvin Wood French Doors with Round tops
Roxbury Casements with Roundtop 
Interior view
Front Entrance with Harvey Lifetime Panorama Solid Core Full View Storm/ Screen
Andersen 8 Ft. Slider 400 Series
Garden Window over kitchen sink
Chimney Caps
Custom Copper Chimney cap, Whitecaps.com
Custom built  mahogany Storm door, solid brass rimlock
Forever Storm Door
Pella 6 Ft slider
Integrity Double Hung
1/2x6 Primed CVG Red Cedar Siding, Bethlehem, CT. 2006
Custom Built Stained Glass window
Cobra ridge vent with asphalt shingles
Custom Wood Doors & Hardware
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge picture.
Michener Contractors offer the following Residential Exterior services :
Wood Rot Repairs
Restaurant Rotted wood trim replaced with Azek PVC
Restaurant Rot repairs 2008-2009
Walls of room totally rotted, even though no evidence of damage was visible from either the interior or exterior. All that was left was the clapboards, windows, doors. Removed and replaced all wall framing.
Cleary Millwork
Bantam Lake home re-roof 1998
Apartment complex re-roofing 2009, 2010
Pressure Treated Wood shingle roof - Woodbury, CT. 2009
Door handing
Killian hardware,   locks, Rim lock
Repairs & Renovations to Vintage Area Homes
Rogue Valley mahogany veneered, Custom designed and installed Wood Store Front Doors, Baldwin mortise lock
Stainless Steel Chimney Cap
Von Morris Box lock, see Wikipedia mortise lock
Emtek Arch Style mortise lock
We custom design interior and exterior doors to your specifications. We install the finest hardware in the style and quality that accents and compliments your home.
These are some of the many historic homes we have worked on. These homeowners take great pride in maintaining their property in the traditional colonial styles. We strive to maintain a balance between making them modern and energy efficient, and yet still saving their historical value.

Custom Full View Mahogany screen door with Buckingham lockset
Bridgewater pergola replacement
Gazebo railing and post repairs, decking replacement
Roofing, Exterior Trimwork, Interior remodeling
Acorn Early American Hardware
Hunter Stresskin vented roof panels
interior of Sunroom
Interior view of Sunroom built 201o
Poor Deck flashing allowed water Infiltration and caused  Structural framing rot
Ice Dam on eave and in Gutter
Custom Wood Gutters
 Roof   Elements
Bridgewater Side Entrance Roof
Side Porck Roof Brackets