76 Hemlock Rd.
Bridgewater, CT. 06752-1407 Home Improvement Contractor Reg. # 0538779
Michener Contractors offers the following Services:
Roofing and Siding
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling
Design/Build General Contracting of New Homes
Renovations and Additions to residential construction
Design and Construction management
Interior trim, cabinets, built-ins
Repairs and Restorations
Window and door replacements
The goal of Michener, Inc. is to provide high quality custom building for our customers.
This starts with excellence in project design. We provide detailed plans and specifications to make it precisely clear what is included in the project.
Custom work is our specialty. We welcome the challenging projects.
We use the highest quality materials, as well as the best quality workmanship.
We maintain good communications with our customers.
We are meticulous about clean-up and perform our work in a timely manner.
References available upon request.
It is because we respect our clients privacy that we do not publish customer names on our website.
Michener Contractors was founded in 1978 by Alan Michener. Previous to that, Alan had worked for other contractors in the the Woodbury, Roxbury, Bridgewater area for nearly 10 years.
Our carpentry business has specialized in turning the dreams of it's clients into reality for over 47 years. Most of our work is in, near, or around the Bridgewater and Woodbury, CT. area; however we travel throughout Litchfield, Fairfield and New Haven counties.
Alan grew up in Woodbury, CT., graduating from Woodbury H.S. in 1968. He was an Eagle Scout from Troop 54 in Woodbury.
Alan is intriqued by history and geneology. He traces his maternal ancestry back for hundreds of years in the Woodbury, Roxbury, Bridgewater area. His ancestors include John Minor, one of the original settlers of Woodbury, Benjamin Abijah Ruggles, a Revolutionary war soldier from Bridgewater, and John Howland and Phineas Gorham who arrived on the Mayflower. His paternal ancestry traces back to Quaker arrivals in Pennsylvania in the 1640's.
In 1972 he graduated from the School of Education at UConn, but he followed his passion for construction and remained in carpentry.
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self centered; forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; be successful anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous; be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be good enough; give the world your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
Mother Teresa
Click on the above page titles to see our Remodeling and New Construction galleries.
Hire a contractor to protect your biggest asset -
your home advisor will put together a plan to help you achieve your goals. You may put some of the money in stocks, some in bonds and some in annuities. At certain milestones you'll change the funds from one place to another to maximize your return. Most of you will stick with your advisor for life, if he does a good job for you. Having a good financial advisor turns out to be a good move for you and your family.
We've all heard that most people's homes are their largest assets. This is repeated in many ways, and in many circumstances. We've heard it so many times that it is rather a cliche of sorts, and we don't give it that much thought. All we know is that when the time comes to sell our homes, we hope to get a good return on our investment.
So, how many of you have hired a financial advisor to protect your home, your largest asset in most cases? I'm guessing that very few have. Most live by the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule. When you think about this philosophy, as far as your house goes, it's plain dumb. Take a look at car maintenance for instance. Do you perform routine preventative maintenance on it? Sure you do. You don't want to be stranded on the side of the road somewhere. What if the airlines adopted that philosophy? Now that's scary. Nobody would want to fly anymore. So why let your house rot, and then fix it. Why have your furnace fail on a cold night, and then fix it. Why let your home decrease in value when it could be increasing in value with routine maintenance.
I think you get my point by now. Routine maintenance on your home is very important, not only financially, but also in terms of your comfort and convenience. You need a trusted advisor to look over your entire home and see when certain parts of the home need to be replaced or serviced. You need to know when the repairs or
maintenance will be needed and how much it will cost. It's time to---Adopt a contractor!
Just as you hired your financial advisor, you need to interview a few contractors and get references. She or he need to be experienced with all facets of your home. I would suggest a full service remodeler, possibly with design-then-build experience. They need to know what products are best, and how they should be installed and who should install them. A good contractor should be surrounded by experts in all fields. She or he should have built relations with the best in the business, so you get the best advice and service when it is needed.
Your home is a system. Everything in your home has to work together. Your home's function is to keep you warm and dry, safe and comfortable at all times. It is an envelope that protects you from the outside world. Find a contractor that understands this; one that can see the big picture, and will guide you toward the best possible return on your investment. This should be a long term relation, so that your contractor becomes familiar with your home and your lifestyle and you know what to expect from your contractor. When you find such a person, life will be so much better. Now you can set up an annual budget for the future maintenance needs of your home and schedule them at your convenience.
Your contractor may not wear a suit and tie, but he may well be the most important financial advisor you've ever hired.